Dr. Gabor Mate created this documentary as a continuation of his work reaching people who struggle with their trauma.

Across societies we have a lot of issues with our traumas, and often don't take the time to dig deep into what the underlying issue of our behavior is.

I have been a fan of his work for a long time now, and what was said on screen resonated with me.

When you have a partner who is a psychotherapist, a lot of work is done around trauma and the inner child. And yet there is always more to explore in that realm. Who we were and what we understood. Funny enough, I found myself pausing the film to do other things in an attempt to escape watching something that is about how we rely on addictive behaviors to escape. The irony was not lost on me.

A few takeaways:

  • Trauma is about the disconnection from self
  • Children don't get traumatized by the hurt, they get traumatized by being alone with the hurt
  • We don't respond to what happens; we respond to our perception of what happens

Dr. Gabor Maté brings a certain clairvoyance to his interactions with others; it's as if he can see right through each human being right down to their inner children, and inner traumas. He doesn't use this ability for any personal gain or judgment of the individual. He uses this as a tool to remind the person that they are being heard, and that they are not alone.

How does trauma factor into our physical health? Dr. Gabor Maté more than alludes to the notion that our unhealed traumas affects us physically in ways that we as a society have not been seeing, or choosing not to see.

At least that's my two cents on it.

If you want to explore more of Dr. Gabor Maté's work, then I highly recommend reading, "In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts.". It is a transcendent piece of writing that digs deep into the underlying humanity of those suffering from addiction, and reminds us that trauma is the root of this pain, and this desire to escape that pain.